Fearless Motherhood

By: Beth Doohan

I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears.”  ~Psalm 34:4

“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.”  ~Psalm 46:1–2

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Mama and Hunter
Mama and Jason

For those of you who are mothers, you know that motherhood is both a fulfilling privilege and a lot of work! From dirty diapers and lack of sleep, to adventurous accidents and homework help, to sassy attitudes and driving lessons, motherhood is an ever-changing adventure. It can also be very challenging when we see our children hurting, sick, or struggling with sin. As wholehearted women, we have been uniquely called to mother with an eternal perspective, raising our children to be Christ-followers in their youth, and ultimately to serve Him in adulthood. Many times, however, a little thing gets in the way of this calling: fear.

Everyone deals with fear sometimes, but I think that as mothers, our fear can compound out of control because we have so much more at stake. Here are just a few fears we may face:

  • My child is struggling in school. Could he have a learning disability?
  • With all the predators out there, what if something happens to my child?
  • I want my child to know the Lord, but what if she turns away from Him one day?
  • What if my son becomes a victim of bullying?
  • I long for a close relationship with my child, but what if she rejects me when I discipline her?
  • How do I protect my child from illness, disease, or even death?

As mothers, we should definitely use wisdom and listen to the Holy Spirit if we have a sense about our child’s protection, what is best for their wellbeing, or how to help them succeed. But fear can quickly get out of hand if it becomes stronger than our trust in God for our children. So what do we do with our fears? I John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear” (NASB). As mothers, we need to bring our fears before our loving heavenly Father, re-train our minds to believe God’s Word about our children, and allow His love to cast out fearful thoughts.

For those of you who have read my story in “Through Every Season: Experiencing God through Brokenness,” you know that my husband and I had a miscarriage before our oldest son was born. After that loss, God took me on a journey of putting my hope and trust in Him. For a season during pregnancy and even after my first son was born, I had to reject fearful thoughts of losing him and continually put my trust in the Lord for his protection and well-being. When facing crippling fears, I had to discipline my mind and heart to trust in the Lord. I had to choose not to dwell on these thoughts and, instead, focus on the goodness of God and His protection for our family. When I did, God lovingly stepped in, removed all fear of losing our son, and filled me instead with His peace and joy. Psalm 34:45 says, “I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.”

Now that I have two strapping sons, my heart’s prayer for them has been that they would be the Lord’s for all their lives—that they would belong to God, surrender their hearts fully to His lordship, and serve Him by ministering to others. I still occasionally may have to battle thoughts of fear, but have made it a practice to rebuke these fears with God’s Word and to trust in Him for protection and blessing for our sons!

Ladies, for those of you who are mothers, I encourage you to do three things to fight the fears you may be facing:

1) Develop Your Child’s Primary Identity.

Let your children’s primary identity be as sons and daughters of the Lord Jesus Christ. This means teaching them to become mature Christ-followers, praying that they would know the Lord in His fullness, and encouraging them to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. The book Prayers and Promises for My Little Girl by Stormie Omartian shares the following prayer based on Jeremiah 29:13: “My sweet [child], may you believe from a very early age that if you seek God, you will find Him. When you search for God with all your heart, He has promised to make Himself known” (see also Prayers and Promises for My Little Boy).

We are called as mothers to show our children who God is and point them to Him through His Word, prayer and worship. Psalm 8:2 says, “You have taught children and infants to tell of Your strength, silencing Your enemies and all who oppose You.” It is never too early, or too late, to start teaching our children about God and His ways. Remember that God chose YOU as your child’s mother. No one is better equipped, qualified, or capable for nurturing your child’s heart than you because it is God who has called you to these specific children and who is at work in you!  Wholehearted women, let us passionately teach our children to love the Lord with all their hearts, minds, souls, and strength and to love their neighbors as themselves.

2) Know Your God-Given Identity.

Let your primary identity be as daughters of the Lord Jesus Christ. This means knowing who you are in Christ apart from being a mother. After the birth of her son Samuel, Hannah returned to the temple to worship the Lord and give her son back to Him. “I asked the Lord to give me this boy, and He has granted my request. Now I am giving him to the Lord, and he will belong to the Lord his whole life” (I Samuel 1:26-28). Think of the courage this took for Hannah to give her heart’s desire completely up to the Lord. After years of pain and pleading with the Lord for a child, He granted her request, and she willingly gave her son back to Him.

Hannah knew her identity was found in her Lord, not just in being a mother as she kept a heart of surrender and gratitude. She did not know if she would ever bear other children, but God blessed Hannah by giving her five more after Samuel was born.  First and foremost, we are daughters of the King, then wives, mothers, sisters, friends, etc. God delights in you, calls you His own, and has equipped you with unique gifts and talents for serving Him. When our identity is found in Christ Jesus, we can have confidence and complete trust in His lordship and be examples of godly womanhood for our children.

3) Enjoy the Journey!

Enjoy this season of motherhood. This means refusing to fear for our children or cling to them. Of course we should love them deeply, protect them, and do what is best for them, but we must do so with our hope and trust in the Lord. We can know that they are ultimately in God’s care and choose not to fear for them. Once our season of being responsible for their care is complete one day, we must continue to lift them up to the Lord, trusting that He will be at work in their lives. As the Proverbs 31 woman is described, “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future” (Proverbs 31:25). Let us put our confident trust in the Lord and lean on Him for wisdom and guidance in raising our children.

As the mother of our two young sons, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for their precious lives and love them deeply. But I think the experience of loss has given me an eternal perspective as I raise my sons. Seeing them grow and develop, I enjoy each season and recognize that God has entrusted them into our care as parents for the purpose of showing them the love of the Lord and teaching them God’s ways so that they may become mature men of God one day. The end goal is in mind—that they would be the Lord’s for all their lives.  As a mother, I see them each day as they are, yet I also picture them as boys, young men, and men serving the Lord and loving Him with all their hearts. I keep the end goal in mind: to raise children who are strong in the Lord and in His mighty power, serving the Kingdom for Christ. As their mother, I recognize that although I love them dearly, they belong to the Lord first, and I have been entrusted with their care until they are grown. Like Hannah, I have dedicated them to the Lord for His plans and purposes.

Ladies, our hope and trust must be in the Lord, knowing that He is the protector of our families. We can trust Him and serve Him as mothers. We can teach our children God’s ways and devote ourselves to the Lord as His daughters. We can walk in the present, delighting in each season of motherhood. And when we do face challenges, crises, or tragedies with our children, we can come to the Lord for wisdom, direction, and healing to be made whole. He is our refuge, our strength, and always ready to help when we face trouble (Psalm 46:1). He is faithful to answer and will show you His love as you trust in HIM to help you develop your children’s primary identity, to know your own identity in Christ, and to enjoy the journey of fearless motherhood with an eternal perspective!

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